Letter of Aurelio to the Fraternity of Malta, October 2014

Dear brothers,

still he accompanies the color and the light of Malta in the return on the work and the normality of every day on our universal Nazareth shared last week. This Nazareth that we learned from the Gospel and from the universal message of the brother Charles: he identifies us with the work for the Kingdom there where we are, with the age that we have, with the forces which we have, in the small and insignificant things and in the response to the calls that every day we receive of God and of the persons.

malta-oct-2014-1Thousand graces for having taken refuge and listened, for doing a site to me between you.Thank you specially to Joseph FSADNI for his great effort in the coordination of everything, for to make possible this retirement and this meeting of real brotherhood, for removing and to bring me above and below and for worrying for every brother.

malta-oct-2014-2Thanks to Charlò CAMILLERI, ocarm., for giving itself in the morning and evening of a simple way his experience of study of the spirituality of Charles de FOUCAULD and of Teresa de Lisieux, in this missionary spirit that identifies both with a universal message.

It is never late to begin; we are never going to lose the time if we allow that God should be our time: in the small thing, in the humble work, in the service to the people who needs malta-oct-2014-3from our support, our scout and our hand to help to write his lives, with happiness and hope. The time is a God’s gift that we administer. Have time to the others is a good investment. The experience of fraternity that you have is an endorsement of this well used time. It is a value that does not shine, that does not provide curriculum or social position and eclesial relevant. We think sometimes about a future that we do not even know how it is going to be; our present is what counts, so much for us as for God. Which is the future of our fraternity, if already we are old? In the God’s hands it is.

malta-oct-2014-4I received in my visit to the seminar an important sample of hope. Jimmy is a friend of the fraternity, is a good rector. His testimony between the seminarians and his work between them deserves all my attention. It is good to mature the idea arisen of organizing a Week of Nazareth with the seminarians who are interested for Charles de FOUCAULD charisma, which they want to know more closely the spirituality than us joins and the way from the Gospel like FOUCAULD’s families we try to live. Many seminarians come to the seminar marked by malta-oct-2014-5a pastoral and spiritual concrete line; It is a question not neither of break labels nor to create new others. It is a question of offering from our poverty that a diocesan priests needs from a spirituality that he identifies him with Jesus’ mission. And it forms a of life that him makes be a friend of companions and to open his heart in the review of life. A spirituality of the desert and a spirituality that does of the adoration a moment of grace and of friendship with Jesus. A spirituality that helps to the teamwork, to realizing jointly the pastoral tasks, which he compromises with the world and the life of the poorest, as poor, not as deserters of social class.

These and other challenges are those that we can perceive from what we are and do, from our personal history and from the calls in the heart of the fraternity.

malta-oct-2014-6Thanks to all for being like that.

A hug of your little brother

Aurelio, responsible brother

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 15 october 2014,

Teresa of Jesus, best friend of Jesus

(Sorry my Spanglish)

PDF: Letter of Aurelio to the fraternity of Malta, october 2014, english


Letter of Aurelio to the assembly USA 2014


Dear brothers of United States, peace and good in the Lord Jesus.

usa2014-01I join everyone in this Assembly time to reflect, pray and renew the service to the fraternity in the person of the national responsible. Thanks, Mark, because in these six years you’ve helped keep alive of the fraternity with the Council, and from November 2012 flame forms part of the international team, chosen by me. We will continue working as a team to serve as our forces and possibilities; we have even more than four years, and know that this does not support retirement.

usa2014-02I also join with my condolences to the American fraternity for the death of Mgr Desmond DILLON, brother loved for you and that it is safe to be in the arms of the father and talking with the brother Charles about the human and divine. That these older brothers that are leaving will are seed and good land for the Church and for the fraternity. Is a great human wealth for our fraternities older brothers; their experience of life, spirituality and delivery are invaluable. Of them we must learn humility and the wisdom of a breed of pastors.

I have read very carefully the newsletter, and the themes of reflection for the Assembly of Colorado Springs. I think that it is very important to the work of preparation as personal usa2014-03reflection and in the fraternity. We must share it the responsibility among all putting each the best of itself, and a group working together makes it possible for good results. It is true that in the fraternity we must not search make beautiful reflections or perfect work.  Nobody is going to evaluate us: we evaluate ourselves in the preparation of the review of life and in the development of the same fraternal meeting. So it is much more important even the time of adoration, put before Jesus with humility, peace and realism, how we are, what we want, what we expect, how trust in Jesus, how we put ourselves in the hands of the Father making the Prayer of Abandonment an attitude that lasts throughout the day: when we work, when we deal with people, when we celebrate the Eucharist. In the brother Charles de FOUCAULD, we have that attitude for years, in your dreams and realities.

I encourage you “to dream the fraternity”, as says our brother Mariano PUGA. To dream the fraternity is not living of illusions or do an episode of the science fiction of our usa2014-04membership to the fraternity. Many brother priests of our Diocese, need our support, our time and attention. Each of us also need all that. Our spiritual path is linked to the moment that we live as human beings. To dream of the fraternity is to go beyond a spirituality that helps us to live the Gospel, prayer, every day become believers in Jesus and believers in a humanity which in some countries are bled, destroys itself, and always the poor who suffer the consequences. For this reason the fraternity is not a spiritual group, but a small community of brothers who care for others and feel the pain and joy of humanity as Jesus felt them, without staying with arms crossed waiting to be others who solve the problems.

The Church we need as we need the Church to walk with Jesus and build the Kingdom. I wish you in this Assembly of Colorado Springs live with realism and in a climate of prayer as men of God the challenges of your fraternity. In 2015 celebrate, if it’s the Lord’s will, the I Panamerican Assembly. We go making way.

usa2014-05Receive a big hug and my support in prayer.

Aurelio SANZ BAEZA, brother responsible

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 25 July 2014,
solemnity of St James  Apostle

Sorry my English… Oh, my God, forgive me…

PDF: Letter Assembly Fraternity USA Colorado 2014

Letter Month of Nazareth Ireland 2014

Dear brothers,
from Spain, before to go to Morocco next Monday for to be with our Maghrebian brothers in Rabat, those of Tunis, Algeria and Morocco, I want to communicate to you my communion with you in your Month of Nazareth.

Nazareth, time for live, time for pray, time for work to one better World, the Kingdom that Jesus continues dreaming across us themselves and our effort. Nazareth: way of life having like neighbor and contemporary to Jesus. Time for to open our interior to the brothers.

I wish you of heart to live this month as a God’s gift and an exclusive time of fraternity. Many brothers in the world will be praying for you, pray also for us.

And in Cameroon, in July, also there will be the brothers of several countries of Africa in his Month of Nazareth. I suggest you in some moment to have a communication with them. Someone me it can send to me and I will communicate it. If it is possible, in French. Thank you!

I hope a report to publish in our site iesuscaritas.org on having finished the Month.

God blesses you. That the brother Charles covers also between you!aurelio_junio_2014

Have a fraternal embrace to each one, and sorry my “spanglish”.

Aurelio, brother responsible
Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 26 June 2014

In PDF: Letter Month of Nazareth Ireland 2014




Dear Brothers,
It is not easy to write an Easter letter, always a message of immense joy, when brothers of ours have been deprived of their freedom. You already know that Sister Gilberte, a Canadian, of the Congregation of N.D. de Montréal, and two Italian priests of the Diocese of Vicenza – Giampaolo y Gianantonio, who is a member of our Fraternity – remain kidnapped. The Cameroon Fraternity is suffering and we are all suffering: the congregation, the diocese, their families, friends, until they who are giving their all for others and for love of Jesus, proclaiming the Gospel with their lives, as Brother Charles used say, return safe and well. Up to today we know nothing, but we send them all our love and support in prayer. Let us pray for their well-being and freedom. We embrace Grégoire CADOR and all the brothers and fraternities of Brother Charles in Cameroon.


Last January I visited the Mexican Fraternity on retreat in Cuernavaca, where I met for the first time brothers who are a living gospel, by their lives, by their commitment to thers, by how they live in certain situations of great risk and the response that they give to the people by their lives and commitment. I greatly appreciated the style of fraternity they are living and how they live it.


A great joy for our whole Fraternity has been the nomination of Philippe OUÉDRAOGO,  Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, as Cardinal last February 22nd. It was he who introduce the Fraternity to this zone of the african Sahel. Especially for the Burkina  Fraternity and the Church of that country it is an incentive to grow as Christians and to feel part of the Church in communion.


I met with several brothers and with Philippe too on the morning of the 10th February., sharing on the reality and the projects of the Charles de FOUCAULD family, where, priests, laity and Little Sisters of Jesus meet at least once a year for a joint retreat, apart from other meetings in different dioceses, or for some special occasion.


The Month of Nazareth was held in Brazil in January, with the participation of many brothers and the support of the fraternities of Brother Charles. It was a grace from God for them and an important incentive in the following of Jesus. José ANCHIETA was the director of the Month.


Another Latinamerican Month of Nazareth took place in February in Chile, with brothers from Chile and Argentina sharing in a time of grace and an intense experience of brotherhood, directed by Fernando TAPIA.

carta_pascua_2014_06The shared experience of the two countries, where the fraternities are committed to evangelization and mission as a living presence of Jesus, was truly extraordinary. Later in Chile, with an earthquake and tsunami in the North and then the fire in Valparaíso, the brothers suffered along with the people, staying with them, helping and accompanying and putting themselves at the service of those who had lost everything, transmitting hope and energy. We send them from the International Fraternity our brotherly and close embrace.

The Month of Nazareth is the means of taking on a commitment as followers of Jesus, within or apart from the fraternity. It is a school of prayer and of contemplation of the life of brotherhood, in the style of the home of Nazareth with whatever each day brings, in whatever God gifts us in order to walk trusting in him and in the life of others, so as not to feel alone or isolated in pastoral life, spiritual life and our commitment to the people. We don’t separate ourselves, we unite. We don’t live on another planet, distanced from the world; we are immersed in life with its joys and suffering; and in a work that builds up a world of peace and justice. The next Month of Nazareth will be in Ireland in July and in Cameroon the same month with the participation of many African brothers with the first Panafrican Assembly of the Fraternity to take place at the end of the Month. Let us join in prayer from now on for these brothers, who come from countries with grave problems of peace, poverty, and political instability, where Christ is at the very heart of those who suffer and delights in the shared bread for the feast of the poor, the humble, those who sow in love despite their pain.


May we this Easter 2014 proclaim the joy of believing in and following Jesus, in hope of change in a system that enslaves humans, with love without boundaries, letting ourselves be anointed with the oil of gladness, as Pope Francis has said in his Chrism Mass homily. This oil of gladness that marks us and which ought to mark all that we do, our human relations, the pain and hopes of those affected in Chile, and of the suffering world of the Ukraine, South Korea, Nigeria, the Centralafrican Republic… The oil of the saving mark of Jesus, in a ministery of service and presence among the most abandoned.


Our Easter is both a personal stance with Christ, our strength, and our communitarian stance in relation to the causes of any injustice that deprives a human being of liberty, or manipulates him into remaining a slave of money, of the interests of the great system lobbies: the petroleum cartels the banks, industry that does not respect the environment or the rights of indigenous peoples, and the lobbies of drug and arms traffickers… the lobbies who experiment with human lives and with the future of the planet, seeking only their own interests. We cannot bow the head before all this or confine ourselves to naval-gazing, taking refuge in a spirituality that is not the spirituality of the Gospel.

I urge you to link up and contribute to the web page www.iesuscaritas.org offering experiences, dreams, happenings, upcoming events…Send everything to my e-mail address.

On behalf of all fraternities, on behalf of our international team –Jean François, Emmanuel, Félix, Mark, Mauricio and I, who will celebrate our next annual meeting in Amborovy, Madagascar, in September – the message of joy in the Risen Christ, putting our arms around the shoulders of Gilberte, Gianantonio and Giampaolo; that they may feel from afar the closeness of our heart, wherever they may be, praying for their health and their freedom. I am sure that they know they are not alone and that thousands of people accompany them both in their joy of following Jesus and suffering for him, they who have given themselves to the most disadvantaged.

carta_pascua_2014_09With my fraternal and Easter embrace.

Aurelio SANZ BAEZA, brother responsable

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, April 2014

(Thank you, Liam, for the translation)

Easter Letter 2014 – brother responsible (PDF)