Becoming brothers, Fraternities USA, winter 2016

The way of Blessed Charles is not an easy spirituality to live out. But it is a beautiful way – to walk with Jesus step- by-step as a faithful disciple. My life has been wonderfully enriched as I walk this way with my brothers in fraternity. To be aware of the way of the Incarnation, the way of Nazareth; to be aware of a God who loves us so very much that, as Creator of all, he was willing to become creature; is to be aware of a love so great that it must be shared, especially with those on the peripheries of such love.

The primary content of this newsletter shares with you the International Fraternity’s “Letter from Kansas City.” The International Council calls us to be more aware of the charisms of Bl. Charles and how his spirituality can enrich our life and ministry as diocesan priests. What does this rather odd French hermit in the Sahara have to teach us? He may have been ordained, but he never lived a life that was anything like a normal diocesan priest – if there is such a thing as “normal.” Yet, the life of Charles De Foucauld was centered on God and was animated by prayer and humble service. This is a good foundation for anyone who wishes to live a life of missionary discipleship.

Read the entire document (PDF): JesusCaritas_NLWinter2016_1220

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